The new single “touch you where it hurts” is out. Ethereal and beautiful but also twisted and violent. I feel like it says more about you than other songs, am I wrong?
Maybe this one is just a little more to the point. I love revenge. I love anything that motivates me to be the best. I have had some fiery relationships. I don’t let people get me down, I always use it as fuel. Don’t get even, get everything.
If 2018 was the ideal year for you, where would you see it ending? And what’s in the plan for the years to come?
2018 has been so good. It’s my first time being an independent artist. I signed my first deal at 18. Now I have my own label, I organize my sessions, photo shoots, my videos, I hire and sometimes fire people. There isn’t one thing I don’t have my hand in. I love to stretch myself. I do what I can every day to pursue my dreams. It’s never too much. It’s such a blessing.
I have my first single from my upcoming album dropping this Friday the 29th! “I LOVE YOU“.
The album drops in late July. I am so proud of this music. It’s a concept album that will make you want to dance and fall in love.
From the outside, it looks like your life is just fashion shows and parties, but admit it, how much of it it’s hard work and boring meetings?
Never boring. My plan was to immerse myself into anything creative. I am constantly collecting data for my next song, video or performance. My life is definitely not just fashion shows and parties… I also sleep and eat. haha .. I do whatever I feel, its no pressure on any side. If I feel like writing, I write, if I feel like drinking wine until 6 am I do that.. or if I feel like signing up for an afro-beat dance class, YOLO, choose your own adventure.
What’s your “guilty pleasure” in music? Mumble rap? Nickleback?
I have no shame in any music I listen to, but sometimes I wonder what my neighbours think when one minute I am bumping Death Grips and then the next I am blasting Shaina Twain. Get yourself a girl that can do both.
You’re going to be part of Emanate’s artist pool. Where do you hope that’s going?
I love the concept. I am honoured to be a part of what Emanate is doing. I think its gonna blow up.
Does being part of a platform that runs on blockchain scare you? Do you even know what the heck that is?
I do know and I’m into it. I actually think it’s quite smart and I am happy to be a part of the revolution.
How hard is it to breakthrough? What are the things you need to have in place to make it? Or do you just need to keep making the music you love and eventually you’ll make it?
It’s a moving goal post. You gotta be relentless, have a good sense of self and be decisive. Know when to hold and know when to make moves, and if you’re not sure, MAKE MOVES. Fact is you will become whatever you put the majority of your time into.
If you could invent one piece of technology that would make your career much easier what would it be? A cloning machine to have 3 different you to keep up with everything?
I would love there to be more of me. haha.. but I’m not sure the world could handle that. I just need a money printing machine. I feel like I’ve got most of it mapped out. I just would like a little more budget for my creations.
How did it all start? And when did you tell yourself “ok, fuck everything, I’m gonna be a singer no matter what”?
It was never up to me, I was 5 when I did my first show. How does a child decide this on her own with zero prompting? I have been around 5-year-olds. They typically don’t know want for lunch. I’m an old soul. There’s just some shit that I can’t explain.
Do you still doubt yourself? Do you sometimes think, alone at night, “what the heck am I doing with myself?”
Mostly no. I crowded out any doubt with more rehearsals, more projects, more friends that inspire me. I know too well that doubt is fear and fear is always about the future, and I ain’t there yet. So why stress.
How hard is it to make a living as an artist in 2018? What could be a solution? But mostly, do you think Michael Jackson is really dead?
Being an artist was never a piece of cake but I have experienced being signed to majors before than ran out of money. Having a big budget was fun, but if you don’t have a clear direction it’s pointless. In 2018 you gotta hustle. I say yes to the right opportunities. Do you want to sing? yes! DJ? Yes. Model? Yes! Creative director of a brand? Yes! Then you start to build a giant fucking snowball of dopeness.
Last question, if you had a quote for your future self, what would it be?
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour, and some style. – Maya Angelou
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